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*Color Outside the Lines (ages 12-15)

Dates:June 23-26, 2025
Meets:M, Tu, W and Th from 9:00 AM to 12 N
Location:MCC at Makerspace 106
Cost: $159.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Explore art using different mediums and techniques. Explore different artists. Create work inspired by different artists in mediums such as pencil drawing, painting, acrylic, printmaking, hand-built pottery and multimedia collage. This location is not air-conditioned. Bring water to drink. Supplies included.


This location does not have air conditioning. It is important that the student brings water.
Fee: $159.00

MCC at Makerspace 106

Vanessa Piper

Date Day Time Location
06/23/2025Monday9 AM to 12 N MCC at Makerspace 106
06/24/2025Tuesday9 AM to 12 N MCC at Makerspace 106
06/25/2025Wednesday9 AM to 12 N MCC at Makerspace 106
06/26/2025Thursday9 AM to 12 N MCC at Makerspace 106

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