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*Giant Wind Chimes

Dates:February 15 - March 8, 2025
Meets:Sa from 9:00 AM to 12 N
Location:FOC Bldg 024 Fort Omaha Campus 103
Cost: $249.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

Build a giant wind chime with six chimes. Each chime will be made from 3-foot long, 2 3/8" pipe. We will also cover how to tune each chime to its specific note. $30 supply fee.
Fee: $249.00

FOC Bldg 024 Fort Omaha Campus 103

David Steward

Date Day Time Location
02/15/2025Saturday9 AM to 12 N FOC Bldg 024 Fort Omaha Campus 103
02/22/2025Saturday9 AM to 12 N FOC Bldg 024 Fort Omaha Campus 103
03/01/2025Saturday9 AM to 12 N FOC Bldg 024 Fort Omaha Campus 103
03/08/2025Saturday9 AM to 12 N FOC Bldg 024 Fort Omaha Campus 103

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