FLC: The Art of Failure
Dates: | September 20, 2024 |
Meets: | F from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM |
Location: | FOC Bldg 023 Fort Omaha Campus 251 |
Cost: | $0.00 |
Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.
Have you tried a teaching method, strategy, activity, or assignment in the classroom and feel like it was less then successful? Good news, you are not alone, teaching is a process and failure is always an option. In this Faculty learning Community, we will first share our failures and then offer suggestions to each other on how we might adapt then. We will then utilize the Plan, Do, Study and Act (Assess) cycle to first plan adaptations, try them out (Do), study how they worked (or didn’t) and then assess (act).
Participants in this FLC agree to attend all sessions, adapt and put to the test one previous teaching method, strategy, activity or assignment and help prepare a report on the activity of this FLC. The fall quarter will be used for discussion and adaptation of a previous failure. During the winter quarter, the teaching method, strategy, activity or assignment will be utilization and the participant will report back to the group on the success (or failure) of the adaptation. In the spring quarter, participants will work on a report of the FLC.
First meeting of the FLC will be September 20th at 10 - 12 on the Fort Omaha Campus (location tbd). The remainder of the sessions will be held virtually (October, November, January, February, April and May).
The FLC is open to MCC instructors (full and part-time). Participants committ to attending monthly sessions, completing readings and learning activities related to the FLC, and collaborate on a deliverable outcome for the FLC.
To acknowledge participation in the Faculty Learning Community and the contribution FLCs make to teaching and learning at MCC, FLC participants are eligible for a $500 honorarium, payable upon successful completion of the FLC, as determined by the FLC facilitators(s).
Fee: | $0.00 |
FOC Bldg 023 Fort Omaha Campus 251
Lois Bartsch
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