*Chemistry of Flavors and Food Science Camp Bundle (Zoom; ages 8-11)

Take both Chemistry of Flavors and Food Science Camp and receive a discount.

*Chemistry of Flavors

Calling all food scientists! Do you like to cook? Do you like to eat? Ever wonder what would happen if you put that marshmallow peep in the microwave? Or how many Mentos it takes to launch a 2L bottle of Coke? Well, if the answer is yes, this is the camp for you.  

  • Ages: 8-11 

  • Level: Beg-Adv 

  • Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.

  • Prerequisites: Ability to work in a team. Each student will be provided with all necessary tools and materials.  


*Food Science Camp 

Who can make plasma lightning shoot out of a grape? Why are Mentos so excitable around soft drinks? All these questions and more are learned firsthand fusing science into senses. Best part is getting to eat your experiments and learn why certain combinations taste better than others. Ever wonder why salt caramels taste so good, but tuna ice cream is a big no-no? Learning why something tastes good is just as important as how to make it. Good food goes a long way but combined with great fun equals the science of food lab. 

  • Ages: 8-11 

  • Level: Beg-Adv 

  • Hours: Monday-Friday, 12:30-2:00 p.m. 

  • Prerequisites: Ability to work in a team. Each student will be provided with all necessary tools and materials. 

There are no scheduled sessions at this time. Sign up to be notified when this course is available.

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