Superheroes Film Class

Are you a teen who can easily recite all of the members of the Avengers or the Justice League? Do you know the alter egos of the Flash, Spider-Man and Batman? This class is devoted to all things superheroes, but we won’t simply be watching these colorful characters on screen. We’ll be discussing their origins from original creation to big screen incarnation. We’ll also be talking about all the behind-the-scenes work that goes into bringing these characters to life. Finally, we’ll talk about the movies that no one ever saw due to development problems. Come for the movies, TV shows and comic books featuring your favorite heroes, but stay for the in-depth education about these characters and their appearances on the big and small screen. All movies are rated PG or PG-13. Bring a notebook and a pencil. Feel free to bring your lunch. The instructor is Patrick White. (ages 12-15)

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