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*Oil Painting for Beginners

Dates:March 15 - May 3, 2025
Meets:Sa from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location:MCC Sarpy Center 121
Cost: $159.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Explore the basics of water soluble oil painting such as how to mix colors, brush strokes, how to lay out a composition and paint it. Discover your own unique style to express yourself through a landscape. Learn how to paint a simple cityscape with people and basic portraiture. Please go to Blick Art Materials to pick up a discounted oil painting kit for MCC. This will include everything you need for class. Skips 4/12, 4/19


Skips 4/12, 4/19 Supply List: Brushes: #8 Filbert, #2,4 round recommend escoda #6 round 1 cheap bristle brush #6 0 liner or script brush Masterson's Sta WET handy palette Palette paper Master brush cleaner (4 )11× 14 inches canvases Textured wash cloth Paper towels Windsor Newton water mixable oil color medium. Small jar to put oil in Palette knife Easel Water mixable paints. Windsor newton brand Elizarin crimson Cadmium red light. Cadmium yellow light. Cadmium, yellow hue. Yellow ochre Cerulean blue. Prussian blue Burnt sienna Burnt umber Paynes Gray Titanium white
Fee: $159.00

Call us at 531-622-2620 OR 531-622-5231 to see if you qualify for a discount on this course.

MCC Sarpy Center 121

Maureen O'Brien

Date Day Time Location
03/15/2025Saturday1 PM to 3:30 PM MCC Sarpy Center 121
03/22/2025Saturday1 PM to 3:30 PM MCC Sarpy Center 121
03/29/2025Saturday1 PM to 3:30 PM MCC Sarpy Center 121
04/05/2025Saturday1 PM to 3:30 PM MCC Sarpy Center 121
04/12/2025Saturday1 PM to 3:30 PM MCC Sarpy Center 121
04/19/2025Saturday1 PM to 3:30 PM MCC Sarpy Center 121
04/26/2025Saturday1 PM to 3:30 PM MCC Sarpy Center 121
05/03/2025Saturday1 PM to 11:30 AM MCC Sarpy Center 121

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