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*Minecraft® Redstone Engineers (ages 11-14)

Dates:June 9-12, 2025
Meets:M, Tu, W and Th from 9:00 AM to 12 N
Location:MCC Sarpy Center 212
Cost: $199.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Take the next step beyond simply “playing” Minecraft and become a true Redstone engineer. Expand your Redstone knowledge by constructing your own carnival with a variety of mini-games, roller coasters, and attractions powered by Redstone. Learn how to use Command and Structure blocks to incorporate them into your builds. Activate your skills and take your Minecraft structures to the next level! Students must have the Java version of Minecraft to take this class. Tablet, phone, and game console versions of Minecraft are not compatible. No discounts.

Fee: $199.00

MCC Sarpy Center 212

Alexander McKamy

Black Rocket

Date Day Time Location
06/09/2025Monday9 AM to 12 N MCC Sarpy Center 212
06/10/2025Tuesday9 AM to 12 N MCC Sarpy Center 212
06/11/2025Wednesday9 AM to 12 N MCC Sarpy Center 212
06/12/2025Thursday9 AM to 12 N MCC Sarpy Center 212

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