*Exploring Trade Careers Camp

Do you like to solve problems and work with your hands? The Construction Trades Career Exploration Camp, sponsored by Sherwood Homes and Lane Building Corp, allows you to explore the possibilities of working in the high-skilled construction trades. During the first four days, you will rotate thru hands-on stations and demonstrations focusing on construction, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical programs. Students will also tour MCC’s state-of-the-art learning facilities at the Fort Omaha Campus. The last day of the camp will be “Competition Day” with timed races in electrical wiring and the “Hammer and Nail-a-thon.” Interested students will learn about MCC’s High School Construction Career Academies and how to get a jump start on their education while in middle school. Students must wear long pants, preferably jeans, and a shirt with sleeves. Leather boots or shoes are required. No loose clothing or jewelry will be allowed for safety reasons. Gloves and safety glasses will be provided. (ages 12-14)

There are no scheduled sessions at this time. Sign up to be notified when this course is available.

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